Dear Liz Miller,
The dosage of D-vitamin was 3000IU per day for 8 days. Originally it was prescribed for a 2-month period to alleviate seborrhoeic dermatitis at the scalp. However, after 8 days I experienced the adverse reactions of extreme tiredness and paleness. These two effects have seemingly been reversed.
Incremental gum movements meaning that the gum seems to have moved outwards several times noticed ex-post, but not the teeth or jaw. The teeth are aligned as before, and there has been no pain.
I have had allergic reaction to soya when in contact with the skin, and problems with proper digestion (high values of triglycerides, possibly too much yeast, sensitive to gluten). I do not take any medications. I also lost much hair in a 2-3 day period shortly after the D-vitamin intake, an effect not previously experienced.
The gum movements might have no causal connection to the D-vitamin intake, but a correlation might be present since it was the first time for both the reactions. I have no hypothesis concerning a potential “third” condition.
The D-vitamin measures have always been at the lower interval border of the normal distribution (as measured in Norway), while the calcium level slightly above the upper level.
Thank you.
Best regards,
28 January 2009 18:19
Dr. Liz Miller said...
Hi GK,
Thanks for this extra information
That your calcium levels are slightly high and vitamin D low, suggests that you may indeed by hypersensitive to Vitamin D because of an underlying Hyperparathyroidism. Parathyroid hormone increases the level of calcium in the blood.
It acts in conjunction with Vitamin D to increase the level of calcium in the blood - this may account for your response to Vitamin D.
Although above daily requirements, the doses of Vitamin D you were given should not be dangerous - except in the presence of raised Parathyroid hormone.
The gum enlargement is interesting against this background. It can be caused by hormones, such as Thyroid stimulating hormone, and growth hormone and both of those hormones are similar in structure to parathyroid hormone, so there may be some overlap.
If you are ever in London and can bring a full copy of your notes, it might be useful to arrange some hormone blood tests, including Growth hormone, TSH and Parathyroid Hormone.
In the meantime this is turning into a medical whodunnit.
Parathyroid hormone levels would be certainly be interesting
Seborrheic dermatitis, is generally thought to be a fungal infection - and an antifungal shampoo such as Nizoral may be helpful.
Do you have a photo of your gums? -
I have to add that the commonest cause of gum hypertrophy is gum disease due to gingivitis but I assume this would have been noticed by your dentist/doctor
Hair loss - difficult one! very little evidence one way or the other - was this a patchy loss or generalised thinning??
29 January 2009 02:35
Close up of a Ladybird Acrylic Painting
8 years ago
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